Chris Cobb Launches GoFundMe Campaign To Purchase Exit/In Property
The Elliston Place property which is home to the Exit/In is under contract to be sold to a hotel developer. Exit/In owner Chris Cobb, a passionate advocate for independent clubs, is seeking to purchase the property from the company which has it under contract.
He has created a GoFundMe campaign to help with the cause and posted this message to fans:
The Exit/In property has gone under contract to a firm that’s purchasing independent venues. We’re very concerned for the future of the club and have asked the firm to sell us the property, so we can continue to operate Exit/In in a manner that serves Nashville’s creative working class. Contributions to our purchase fund can be made here. Should our bid fail, all money raised with be donated to NIVA and MVAN. We love you all so much and are filled with gratitude for your fierce ongoing support of Nashville’s Rock Block.
Cobb told the Tennessee Lookout that he and wife Telisha partnered with the development firm Grubb Properties and submitted an asking-price bid for the land but were rejected in favor of a bid from AJ Capital Partners, the developer behind the Graduate Hotel chain and Thompson Hotel in the Gulch.
The historic venue turns 50 this year.