Picture Party
Songwriters Go Coastal
Some of Nashville’s finest songwriters took a bus to the Kenny Chesney Goin’ Coastal 2011 Tour stop in Lexington, KY, where they hung with opening star Billy Currington.

(L-R): David Lee, Shane Minor, Jerry Flowers, Troy Verges, Billy Currington, Rivers Rutherford, Monte Criswell, George Teren, Kelly Lovelace, and Jim Beavers
Book Party For Business Wisdom of The Beatles
Authors George Cassidy and Richard Courtney celebrated the release of their book Come Together: The Business Wisdom of The Beatles, with a recent reception at Regions Bank on Music Row.

(L-R): George Cassidy, Richard Courtney, Midsouth Region President of Regions Bank Keith Herron, Nashville Mayor Karl Dean, fine art photography printer Dave Leonard, Senior VP of Regions Bank/event co-chair Lisa Harless, and event co-chair Jerri Malloy. Photo: Steve Lowry.
Justin Moore Visits ACM
The Academy of Country Music welcomed Valory Music Co. recording artist Justin Moore to its offices when he was in Los Angeles recently. While at the Academy, he sang his current single “If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away” and others from his upcoming CD Outlaws Like Me, which will be released June 21.

(L-R): Justin Moore and Bob Romeo, CEO of the Academy of Country Music. Photo: Michel Bourquard
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